Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Before School Year

This is how I am feeling right now:

I am usually the one who goes back and forth. Everyone in the neighborhood says that the quality of school here is excellent and is shocked I wouldn't take my kids there. Maybe... Maybe it is excellent, but I cannot make myself send them off for 7 hours each day doing who knows what. I just can't. But I also feel so incompetent to teach them! I have a Finance degree from BYU (never worked though) and have tutored Math to many students of different levels to get my husband through school. But when it comes to teaching my own children full time at home - I panic! I see all these other posts of different curriculum other parents use and my hair stand up on my head. I cried - literally! I can't afford all of it! I can't even choose which one! I can't find the time to teach it all to them!? Do I know science well enough to teach it? What science should be taught to a 1st grader? There is Biology, Chemistry, Physics. To 1st grader? What?! People teach Latin? Did I sign up for too many co-ops? Would I isolate my children too much if I cancel half of them? WHAT DO I DO??? See - panic! My husband is the one who tells me it's the best for the kids. They waste a lot of time at school (and he was a middle school teacher for a while at a charter school). HE wants me to homeschool. He says just do the basics. But how can my children keep up with the world and other students if I just teach them the basics. I am SO overwhelmed! Would they know enough when they DO go to school when highschool years come? Gosh.... But, my husband is right. Even my mom, who wasn't around much when I was growing up, agrees with him. Somehow I need to find a way to calm down and put myself together and just do it. And my kids don't even bicker much, they get along really well. Kinder and 1st grader.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Home Is Where Your Heart Is

I am listening to this song right now and I can't help but think how wonderful and happy today has been, even though it wasn't perfect.

We all woke up, got ready, and had two short lessons on Writing With Ease level 1 for A. and copying two simple sentences for J. Did our math as well. All by 9:15 a.m.

We left for the Environmental Center and had fun there. J. was cranky somewhat and really wanted to go to the outdoor pat of the center, when A. wasn't done with the indoor activities. She has grown so much and has learned how to not be agitated at her brother when he is cranky. She ended up missing many activities indoors because we had to go outside to satisfy our little man.

Then we came home, had lunch and were pretty bored. I decided not to do too much school in the summer, just Math, Writing, and Reading.

Our little man said he wasn't feeling well... So, cuddling and watching an hour of TV.

Then we played a game: I read brainquest questions to them and for every right answered they got a chocolate chip. Then we switched to grapes because of sugar overload :) It was so much fun! until Princess decided to get upset she got a question wrong :) so we had to deal with some drama.

Then we played around and just ran around and tickled each other.

It was finally time to go to Karate class. Kids LOVED it!  I got to exercise while they did that.

Finished a day with FHE, cheese cake, and bedtime story from daddy.

Most of the day computers and TV were off. They were on for maybe an hour total. Nothing was a distraction, it was wonderful!