Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Successful Day

I couldn't fall asleep last night until almost 3 a.m., worrying about the recent changes in our lds co-op... You can only imagine what I felt like in the morning! :) Well, I chose to have a good day regardless. 

We didn't pull out our workbooks all day, and yet.. it was a productive day in my opinion!

My kids snuggled up next to me and read while I was brushing my daughter's hair. I did not ask them to! My 5 year old hates to read (or I thought so), and here he was - reading book after book from his "Joshua Can Read" box of books. 

For science, kids watched 2 episodes of The Magic School bus and learned about Electrical Charges and Gravity. 

For Math we played "Make a 10 game" for the 5 year old's sake and my 7 year old updated her $$ balance book. Then we learned about Monet, watched Mike Venezia's video, draw caricatures and painted lilies. Kids wanted to play with Magic sand, poly pockets, and cars - all in the same time, so that happened. 

Then school kids flooded our apartment with giggles and play, and took the play outdoors and ran around, while I cleaned and got dinner ready. Not once was someone upset or did not listen! It was an amazing day! I saw a lot of self-motivation and happiness :) (like their beds were made, only once I had to say to change out of pj's or come home from outside, and they even showered themselves without being asked to before dinner!) 

They came up to me and hugged me, thanking me for cleaning our home! Also offered help with the dinner.

On some days, homeschool and/or parenting just ROCKS!

 Ms. A drew me :) I gave them a green light to draw my big nose as big as they want :) Mr. J. draw me very pretty, while Ms. A. had a more realistic drawing :) (just kidding!)

Monet's paintings look like blubs of paint at close up, but once you step back - they are masterpieces!