Saturday, April 30, 2016

My Response To Another Mom

One mom posted this on facebook, in a Homeschool group I am a part of: 

"Does anyone else here struggle with depression/anxiety? And how do you make that work with homeschooling? I feel like lately I am drowning in negativity and discouragement, and I have to constantly surround myself with uplifting things and prayer to get from hour to hour. I know that is a good thing, but all that I am doing doesn't seem to buoy me up as it used to. I've noticed that the ladies I VT are struggling too...and many of my friends. I used to blame all my overwhelmed feelings on homeschooling, but now I'm thinking maybe it's just the consequence of living in this crazy world. I guess my question is: Does anyone else feel this way? Do you think living in an evil world is dragging us down? Or maybe homeschooling is just wayyy more stressful than I realize!"

My response to her was:

"I don't think it's homeschooling. This is what I do: I imagine my kids gone to school from 7am - 3 pm. and me being home all alone. The first few weeks it would be a blast! I will clean all that's accumulated to be cleaned, wash all the laundry, sort it and maybe even iron it! I will update our blog and pictures folder. Then I will probably catch up on all the shows... and that's it. The shows will suck me in and I will be home all alone.. with my kids being out there, being taught by a stranger in a large group of other kids. No hugs and kisses while reading a book, no gentle reproaching when they don't listen, no "Ok, let's do that instead!" when they come up with a grand idea. All while I am home alone. That feels like a greater depression to me. And I HAVE done that! I worked teaching other kids, while my kids were being watched by another woman. I cried every single day. What I think is depression spiker is a monotonous life that we lead. Same thing over and over again. We need to spice it up! Plan a fun activity or a small field trip often. Or small changes in schedule will also do. For example, I told my husband just yesterday that I absolutely need to find time to exercise, because I need this endorphin to make me feel happy. I told him I need to plan my days better and make sure kids and I do something fun and exciting every day (just taking them outside will do! I waited until my husband got home to actually take kids outside. Why? As soon as we were out, we were all happier. Kids just had a blast splashing in puddles and digging in dirt! No super fancy planned activity was necessary). So, all that catching up I personally will be doing while kids are in camps this summer. They will be gone one week in June for 3 hrs each day, and almost all July for same hours. I am looking forward to that!   You can do it! Don't give up! Make some changes and see if that works."