Monday, August 25, 2014

Our First Day of Homeschooling

Hello, all!
Today was our first day of an exciting and terrifying journey of homeschooling. We sent our brother off to Pre-K and took advantage of a quiet home and ready-for-learning student attitude.

I say "terrifying" because I did not feel like I was completely ready yet. I have not read all the manuals yet, I have not yet received all the books I have purchases, I have not even bought all the books I need yet! A friend of mine told me that I will never feel like I am ready, that I just need to start and little by little things will fall into places.

A. was a little sad that her brother got to go to a fun Pre-K school, which she attended for a semester last year. Pre-K is different from a regular school. There more playing and socializing than learning, so A.'s opinion about school is that it's all fun. Nevertheless, she was a good student and we almost completed all our assignments for today.

Our plan was:
8:00 Scriptures
8:15 Math
8:45 Spelling
9:00 Handwritting
9:15 Language
9:30 Writing
9:45 Break
10:00 History
10:30 Reading

 I did not prepare Science, Piano, Typing, Composers, Artists, and Classic Literature lessons prior to today. We did everything on this schedule except for Reading and we did not complete our first History lesson. We had to stop though to pick our brother up from school. Then it was lunch time and nap time. Now I am updating this blog, preparing for tomorrow's school, and soon heading out to work that I've been trying to quit for the last two weeks.

Things to note from today: 
* Tomorrow I will spice things up with some videos, subject related and non-subject related (say, a funny home video to put a smile on my daughter's face)
* I will also get some yammy healthy treats to snack on, such as grapes, watermelon pieces, strawberries
* I am considering changing the order of my lessons.

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